St Andrew’s Day


Since our blog post falls on St. Andrew’s Day, I thought I would take the opportunity to write about one of my favourite Scottish authors. Lari Don is a children’s author who writes books like the Fabled Beasts Chronicles, Rocking Horse War and Mind Blind.

I loved the Fabled Beasts Chronicles when I was younger; often going to signings after anxiously waiting for the next book to be released. The series starts with a young girl, Helen, finding an injured mystical creature at her door in First Aid for Fairies and Other Fabled Beasts. This leads to Helen being immersed in a world of magic and adventure, which naturally I loved as a nine year old. The books were set in Scotland and generally brought old Scottish myths to life. I found that it was fun to read about magic that was so close to home.

Lari Don has many other enchanting books that are great to read, especially for children. I’m glad to have such an amazing writer, who brought me many exciting stories, so close to home.

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