A visit to the Edinburgh International Book Festival in 2012 with a group of students introduced us to Kate Harrison, she was part of a panel with two other writers. She created the world of Soul Beach, tragically Alice’s sister Meggie has been murdered and Alice is dealing with the consequences. One day she is sent an email from her dead sister asking her to join her on Soul Beach. Alice takes the invitation and is reunited with her sister, Soul Beach is a beautiful location inhabited by gorgeous teenagers who have met untimely deaths.
Soul Storm is the final part of the trilogy, Alice is getting closer in her hunt for Meggie’s murderer, spending more time here in the present than on Soul Beach which isn’t the paradise it once was. I have been waiting over a year for this book and I must say it doesn’t disappoint, I have had in my head who I think the murder is and I was convinced I was right until nearly the end. I was really surprised by the ending.. didn’t expect it.
I know when there are a lot of eager students who want to finish the series, I’m sure they will not be disappointed.
Mrs Babbs